

Created by Shiloh Walker

Would you choose the man or the bear...shifter? Illustrated hardcover paranormal romance

Latest Updates from Our Project:

ZOINKS! 200% Funded!
about 1 month ago – Thu, Sep 05, 2024 at 02:58:18 PM


I need to peel myself away from the computer and deal with dinner but I wanted to tell you guys how amazing you are for supporting me and the bear.

I'm totally having fun making up bear graphics for the campaign, too. So, expect more bears.

Also... I suspect we're going to have people leaning toward more illustrations, so that is THE FIRST stretch goal, which we've already unlocked! Woo-hoo!

The second stretch goal unlocks when we hit $3000. And it will be for a free foiled bookmark for everybody backing a physical tier. The design is a placeholder as I haven't decided what I want to do yet!

I'll have cool news tomorrow as I just approved the artwork for the chibi polaroids. They are absolutely adorable.

I've also hammered out the details for the tiaras that are in Ivy's Box of Secrets. Guys, these tiaras are so pretty and it's just one of the treasures in Ivy's Book Box.

Alright...I'm going to hop off here and deal with dinner, maybe get some editing and writing done!

Woo-hoo! We're at 50 backers and almost $2000!
about 1 month ago – Thu, Sep 05, 2024 at 01:14:24 PM

To celebrate reaching 50 backers, I'm going to share a little snippet where you get to meet Liam, Jonas's best friend.

FYI...don't call him 'Lob'.

Swearing ahead!

“Brooding about your asshole of a father?”
Looking up, I found Liam watching me with sympathetic eyes. We were cousins on my mom’s side, two or three times removed, and he was as Irish as he looked, red-haired, green eyes and so pale, I was surprised he didn’t glow in the dark. Sometimes, I teased him that he had three animal forms—human, bear and human-lobster, because ten minutes in the sun turned him a glorious shade of red. It had earned him the nickname 'Lobster', or 'Lob' for short, when we were kids, and he'd never lived it down.
He never actually burned—at least, not to the point that it pained him, because as bear-shifters, we just healed too fast. But he sure as hell turned as red as a cooked lobster.
The color he’d picked up over the day had already faded from his skin, leaving him all but glowing in the faint light as he watched me. 
“I’m fine, Lob,” I told him.
He flipped me off with a sour smile. “Fuck you.”
“Sorry, you need Max for that. He’s the brother that goes both ways, not me.”
Liam sighed and flopped back on his back, braiding his fingers under his head for a pillow. “You’re not half as funny as you think you are, old man.”
We resumed our study of the sky, although it was probably another two hours before prime viewing. We’d found a place in the forest where a forest giant had fallen, leaving a cleared swath in the canopy. The lake was close by and I could smell the clean, fresh scent of water as well as the tantalizing aroma of fresh fish. Hmmm…fish. Even though we’d eaten recently, a bear always had room for fish.
“You made your decision on being my beta?” I asked quietly.
“If you sure that’s what you want.”
“You’re the only one I trust enough.” He ought to know that by now. “Max is too young—and he’s too hot-headed. Fuck, Magnus would try to provoke him into a challenge just to hurt me.” 

We're off and running! Wow! Let's celebrate!
about 1 month ago – Thu, Sep 05, 2024 at 11:55:24 AM

We are not only fully funded, we crashed through our first stretch goal of $1500.

So, let's celebrate with some pretty pictures and a poll!

Behold...the crown!

This lovely creation will be in the Treasure Chest.

I bought this at a local Ren Faire and it will go to some lucky backer, along with several other precious treasures, the hardback with sprayed edges and numerous other book goodies.

This tiara is part of Ivy's hidden heritage, which she learns about over the course of the book. Jonas has already sensed something about her is...different. Which is good, because he's sworn off humans.  The tiaras are handmade and I'm working with Etsy artist, Enchanted Jewelry Shop. These are just one of the treasures in Ivy's Box of Secrets, one of the campaign add-ons.

Yes, the model is me. I'm camera shy, so be kind.

To celebrate reaching not only the funding goal, but our first stretch goal, I've put together a poll.

Be sure to join in and let me know what you guys want!

We did it! And we did it BEFORE we went live!
about 1 month ago – Wed, Sep 04, 2024 at 04:47:45 PM

To celebrate, everybody who backed a physical tier gets a free 'chibi polaroid'. I'll have the sample for you in a few days.

It will be included with your rewards when I mail them out!

You guys rock!  And so bears.

I'm going live...with a caveat.
about 1 month ago – Wed, Sep 04, 2024 at 04:00:32 PM

We launch in less than a day!  I'm so excited.  I'm so excited, in fact, I'm doing something I've never done...a livestream with other creators.

But...well, some of you probably know I'm kinda camera shy. As in, I avoid cameras as much as humanly possible.

So I'll be there...wearing this.

I'll also probably be the most anxious dork on the livestream.  Somebody told me to make sure I stay on brand, and that is my brand.

So, I hope to see you there. You can watch via my launch party page! I hope you can come hang out with me, even for a few minutes, and cheer me on as I dorkily find my way through my first livestream.